(Mods, feel free to move this if this is not the best place for it!) First - Congratulations to the Forum for its 16th Anniversary! 16 years of life on the internet is a long time indeed! So, in light of this big anniversary, I am proud to present to you Rogues....The Rogue Review! First, view this! A short video on YouTube. Then, view this! This is google-drive. If you don't have google/google-drive, then here is a Dropbox link instead! (The Rogue Review is a 12MB PDF, too big to attach to an individual post here - 500kb limit) Then, post here! Tell me what you think / comments / suggestions etc! Its not a 'final' draft per-say, but its a sign of things to come! If you're unable to view any of the links, let me know!
I thought this was going to be the management giving their reviews on rogues past & present. I see at the end you said your Grandfather was a Bombardier on a Lancaster with 97 Sqn. We don't have Bombardiers in the RAF , they were called Bomb-aimers. Bombardiers are what the Royal Artillery call a Corporal. Also it's RCAF not CRAF
Thanks! Its by no means what future versions will look like, but not bad for working on it for 2 months (on top of IRL, paid job, etc). Feedback is much appreciated, along with suggestions in regards to things I should add. Or if you want to help with future editions, let me know as well! A small team will make things much smoother and of higher quality.
You have no idea! Started with Photoshop, quickly realized that wasn't going to work. Moved onto InDesign (taught myself how to use it from scratch) and originally had a Portrait shaped version of it. Realized that would double the total amount of pages (if not more) so then settled on the Landscape. For the keen eyed, the Green Background pages match the Green you see on these Forums. The 'gray' is a Feldgrau color I found and thought fitting for the Axis. The blues were somewhat randomly picked...one to represent the sky, the other the Ocean...to some degree. The folks over at http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ were kind enough to let me use their tank images (the profile views on the first page of each tank/AFV), etc. Joe (a member here though not active) did all the Allied stuff...which is why it is written in British-English while the rest was written by me and is in American-English. So many redlines when doing spellcheck!