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Discussion in '☆☆ New Recruits ☆☆' started by ascuzner, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. ascuzner

    ascuzner New Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    My name is Abraham Samaké Cuzner and I am a college student at Northern Arizona University. My roommate and I are working on our senior capstone project- a fictional piece that takes place in WWII on the front lines of Russia. The piece is from the German perspective and will be all in subtitles. Here is the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/harrisonmay/schwarz-weiss-black-and-white?ref=nav_search.

    Please give the trailer and Kickstarter a look and give me any feedback you have. Any donations would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you for your time and for welcoming me to your page!


    Abraham Samaké Cuzner
    Smiley 2.0 likes this.
  2. Smiley 2.0

    Smiley 2.0 Smiles

    Dec 2, 2014
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    The Land of the Noble Steed
    Watching that gave me these intense chills down my spine! This is awesome!!! Is there like a way to follow you guys somewhere besides this forum? Because this looks really awesome. Welcome to this forum Abraham! :cheers: I'm not exactly an expert of film yet, but this was very well done.

    Have you guys done other projects like this?
  3. ascuzner

    ascuzner New Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    Means a lot, Smiley! You can bookmark the Kickstarter page, and even better, like the Facebook page!

    Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/schwarzweissthefilm?ref=br_tf

    We have not done any projects like this before, but our team has worked together to create the trailer. We have a locked script and a shooting schedule, all we need at this point is to reach our goal!
  4. Smiley 2.0

    Smiley 2.0 Smiles

    Dec 2, 2014
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    The Land of the Noble Steed
    Well good luck with everything! You guys did a great job with this! I think this will do well. I'm guessing that with this project your field of study is probably in film?
  5. ascuzner

    ascuzner New Member

    Dec 22, 2014
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    Thanks again, and I hope so! It sure is! My emphasis is in screenwriting and producing!
  6. Buten42

    Buten42 Member

    Jun 27, 2009
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    Washington State
    I echo Smiley's comments--what a great job. Was hoping it would go on for about two hours.
    Welcome to the Forum and good luck with your project. I'll be watching for your names on the big screen.
  7. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Excellent trailer! I look forward to the finished product.
  8. GRW

    GRW Pillboxologist WW2|ORG Editor

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Stirling, Scotland
    Welcome to the forums!
  9. Ruud

    Ruud Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Maastricht Netherlands
    Welcome to the forum Abraham. Trailer looks good, but i would aspect theire uniforms more dirty, the easternfront was not exactly a walk in the park.
  10. TD-Tommy776

    TD-Tommy776 Man of Constant Sorrow

    Jun 3, 2011
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    The Land of 10,000 Loons
    Welcome to the Forum, Abraham.
  11. kamakiri

    kamakiri New Member

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Montreal, Canada
    It would be amazing if more movies were made about true stories of WWII. I'm not knocking fiction, and this looks like an amazing project, but in general, Hollywood )and its ilk) have dome superbly bad jobs at telling it like it was.

    Again, I don't want to knock the efforts -- obviously, anything to do with WWII that makes it to film is going to be something I'll watch, but as a general rule, Hollywood has just taken things that needed o exaggeration and turned them into laff-riots. I don't know what suddenly came into Hollywood's collective heads during the 60s and the 70s, but stuff like "The Dirty Dozen," "The Great Escape," "Where Eagles Dare" or even Guns of Navarone" are so laughably ludicrous that they make a farce out of stories that, well, NEED NO INTRODUCTION.

    Again, anything is better than nothing, but when Quentin Tarantino gets it into his addled brain to make a "Revenge-porn" absurdity such as Inglorious Basterds, he cheapens the real stories of the real people who REALLY DID amazingly courageous things.

    Even the Germans do it better that we ever could -- "Downfall," while taking a bit of dramatic license here and there, and "Stalingrad," which both feature one of my favorite actors EVER, Thomas Kretschmann, just run rings around anything Hollywood has ever made, even at its most earnest -- Tora Tora Tora comes to mind as one of the best, most accurate and most spectacular Hollywood versions of history -- but movies like that are very few and far between.

    Tom Hanks has singlehandedly ruined WWII movies for me, at least. His hand-wringing, purely shock-value stuff like Private Ryan were totally unnecessary. When the reality is far, far more interesting than any fictional story Hollywood can make, why do they bother? Again, Band of Brothers and Pacific don't hold a candle to the real exploits of the real people, and even Clint Eastwood, try though he might, just made a mockery of the Battle of Iwo Jima. Why can't filmmakers just take the FACTS and turn THEM into reality? Crap like Bridge on the River Kwai just make cartoon characters out of the real POWs of the Japanese. King Rat did very, very well, bit only because it was written and produced by someone who had actually BEEN there. But then that's ruined with a Merry Christmas, MR. Lawrence. Umm, DAVID BOWIE? I'm surprised they didn't work in Space Oddity somewhere.

    When are we going to get a movie about, say, Midway, without a busload of Hollywood losers like Shia LeBouef or whatever his name is -- just to make sure the movie sells. I won't trash Brad Pitt because I think he's a pretty good actor when he needs to be, but excuse me: Tom Cruise as von Stauffenberg???? I expected him to strip to his underwear and dance to a song in the living room at any moment.

    I mean, A Bridge Too Far and Battle of the Bulge were great for Hollywood blockbusters, but seriously -- Henry Fonda is one of the worst actors I have ever seen -- he looks like a mannequin being controlled by some puppet master offstage.

    When will Hollywood make a TRUE masterpiece, like The Lives of Others, instead of this fantasy crap like Fury that they just don't seem to get enough of?

    Here's hoping this movie is the start of a wave of REALITIC, BELIEVABLE, NON-STAR movies that tell a true story without all the faux-love interests or melodramatic dialogue that is their stock in trade.
  12. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    Abraham Samaké Cuzner,

    I liked you little trailer. First thing I noticed is the background sounded realistic, the ordinance being expended in the background. Second thing I noticed is the German soldiers look appropriately lean and their skin tones look like they've spent some time outside. There's nothing that immediately makes me not believe a soldier is a soldier than they're pudgy (or fat), or if thin they look soft, or you can tell by their skin, it is pale like an office worker and not weather beaten. Real soldiers are exposed to the sun and wind and their skin takes on a different tone. You've won me over so far. I look forward to more.

    I agree and disagree with kamakiri. I think Band of Brothers and the Pacific were very well done, as was most of Saving Private Ryan. I also loved the Great Escape. A Bridge too Far was overall very good except for the Elliot Gould/James Caan parts.

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